Aunt Lyn's Doggie Wellness Update » cleaning products
Ticks Ticks Ticks - 2019 Will Be Epic! See Our Geographical Maps And Visual Tick ID Guide

- 2019 Tick Season
- Tick Identification- Disease and Geographical Map
- How to Remove a Tick and Disinfect
- How to Prevent a Bite
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-Cutest Pup Picture of the Week
Early Estimates on Flea Tick and Mosquito Illness are not good
Due to the last few mild winters cycles we have had, and the heavy rainfall, those monitoring -expect staggering numbers of Fleas, Ticks, and Mosquitos this Spring Summer and Fall.The number of first time users and early orders of our Flea Tick and Bug Be Gone and Holistic Defense Shampoo and Quick wipe have broken our Feb -March and April records.
People are reporting early and heavy flea and Tick populous .
And numbers of infected were rising prior to this 2019 Season…..
More cases in the US (2004-2016)
- The number of reported cases of disease from mosquito, tick, and flea bites has more than tripled.
- More than 640,000 cases of these diseases were reported from 2004 to 2016.
- Disease cases from ticks have doubled.
- Mosquito-borne disease epidemics happen more frequently.
FIRST Let’s look at a few different Ticks that Bite and spread disease – So you can Identify and be area aware.

American Dog Tick – Spotted Fever
Where found: Widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains. Also occurs in limited areas on the Pacific Coast.
Transmits: Tularemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Comments: The highest risk of being bitten occurs during spring and summer. Dog ticks are sometimes called wood ticks.

Blacklegged Tick - LYME Disease
Where found: Widely distributed across the eastern United States.
Transmits: Borrelia burgdorferi and B. mayonii (which cause Lyme disease), Anaplasma phagocytophilum(anaplasmosis), B. miyamotoi disease (a form of relapsing fever), Ehrlichia muris eauclairensis (ehrlichiosis), Babesia microti (babesiosis), and Powassan virus (Powassan virus disease).
Comments: The greatest risk of being bitten exists in the spring, summer, and fall. However, adults may be out searching for a host any time winter temperatures are above freezing. Stages most likely to bite humans are nymphs and adult females.

Brown Dog Tick- RM Spotted Fever
Where found: Worldwide.
Transmits: Rocky Mountain spotted fever (in the southwestern U.S. and along the U.S.-Mexico border).
Comments: Dogs are the primary host for the brown dog tick in each of its life stages, but the tick may also bite humans or other mammals.

Gulf Coast Tick- RICKETTES
Where found: Coastal areas of the U.S. along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico.
Transmits: Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis, a form of spotted fever.
Comments: Larvae and nymphs feed on birds and small rodents, while adult ticks feed on deer and other wildlife.

Lone Star Tick- Ehrlichia
Where found: Widely distributed in the southeastern and eastern United States.
Transmits: Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Ehrlichia ewingii(which cause human ehrlichiosis), Heartland virus, tularemia, and STARI.
Comments: A very aggressive tick that bites humans. The adult female is distinguished by a white dot or “lone star” on her back. Lone star tick saliva can be irritating; redness and discomfort at a bite site does not necessarily indicate an infection.

Western Blacklegged Tick
Where found: Along the Pacific coast of the U.S., particularly northern California.
Transmits: Anaplasmosis and Lyme disease.
Comments: Nymphs often feed on lizards, as well as other small animals. As a result, rates of infection are usually low (~1%) in adults. Stages most likely to bite humans are nymphs and adult females.
Western Blacklegged Tick

What we know about Asian longhorned ticks
- Not normally found in the Western Hemisphere, these ticks were reported for the first time in the United States in 2017.
- Asian longhorned ticks have been found on pets, livestock, wildlife, and people.
- The female ticks can lay eggs and reproduce without mating.
- Up to thousands of ticks may be found at a time, or on an animal.
- In other countries, bites from these ticks can make people and animals seriously ill. As of March 25, 2019, no harmful germs have been found in the ticks collected in the United States. Research is ongoing.
- Researchers are looking for these ticks to find out where they live.
- As of March 25, 2019, longhorned ticks have been found in Ark., Conn., Md., N.C., N.J., N.Y., Pa., Va., W.Va.
- Drip (1) drop of FULL STRENGTH Aunt Lyn’s Flea Tick & Bug Be Gone
- The offensive creature will release and you can EASILY grab with a tweezer or two spoons or similar implement.
- It will be dead. Pop it into a plastic bag and if you are unsure of the type of tick bring to your Vet to identify- if needed.
- Remove contaminants with Aunt Lyn’s Holistic Defense Shampoo & Quick Wipe- wipe not only the area the tick was found -but the whole dog . You can use it to wipe your own hands !
- Disinfect with our TRIPLE action Non-Sting Antibiotic Aunt Lyn’s Love in a Bottle
Make Sure you Keep Our a full strength Bottle of Aunt Lyn’s Flea Tick & Bug Be Gone in your bag – while the Diluted form is great for Home use- for times when you are in a heavily tick-infested area ( hiking camping …..) having a full strength bottle comes in handy.
Our Aunt Lyn’s Holistic Defense Shampoo & Quick has an added bug barrier and will AID in Boosting Aunt Lyn's Flea Tick & Bug Be GONE! So in bad areas- just give a QUICK WIPE ;)
Less Easy Way
- Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible.
- Pull upward with steady, even pressure.
- Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers.
- If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.
- After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
- Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by putting it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet.
Sadly. these products contain Harmful Pesticides chemicals . NOT SAFE FOR HUMANS or YOUR DOG…but pharmaceutical companies can get away with marketing for canines, the standards, pre testing, are low.
Let me ask you a question:
When a dog has an adverse reaction to a pharmaceutical product.
Examples….. Seizure, Gastro Bleed, Death…or maybe drooling confusion tremors days after a vaccination or medicine or Flea and Tick prevention has been administered…..
Who reports and keeps track of these instances?
Maybe You tell your Vet …Maybe, because often people do not connect the occurrence. Often the Vet ties the symptom to the original issue or hardly EVER to the pharmaceutical.
Point being is that though EVERY product has SIDE EFFECT they are minimized by society and many, many, canines are injured or have died – from something as simple as chemical and pesticide based Flea and Tick Prevention
Bathing your dog with a shampoo that contains medicated ingredients will generally kill ticks on contact. These “ medications “ are often harmful to your pets skin coat and the effect on over wellness from exposure to these pesticides is well documented. On a less vital note- this method of protecting your dog during the peak tick season is also Labor intensive.
Our Holistic Defense Shampoo and Quick wipe has bug barrier that can kill and create an additional barrier when used with our Flea Tick And Bug Be Gone topical spray. It is not only safe, effective and gentle but it nourishes the skin and coat! AND no need to bath daily and weekly.Just give a “Quick Wipe” with our Holistic Defense Shampoo – to grab dirt grime pollen and boost their bug defensive barrier.
No need to Rinse.
is concentrated, powerful and yet safe for even puppies and seniors. Heck our team has use it on ourselves- lol-and you can’t EVER do that with pesticide laden Canine Topicals and Orals!
The concentrate comes in a full strength spray bottle – but was developed so you can adjust for your needs. 1 bottle creates up to 8-10 ounces of product.
It also has beneficial botanicals to not only protect your dog from Flea and tick but NURISH his or her skin and coat.Plus we are told it smells pleasant -not overpowering like most – topicals or sprays. THAT’S great because our objective, besides effectiveness is for the DOGS to love our products
Did you Know ….? Dogs have different Olfaction, ( sense of smell and odorant likes and dislikes) So it a bonus PEOPLE LIKE IT TO!
used at full Strength. We understand that people and their dogs go everywhere together . The protection Your Dog needs at home and in his yard can be different from weekend or vacation activities.
That’s why every concentrated bottle of our Flea Tick & Bug BE GONE , comes to you in a spray bottle. We know most will Dilute BUT it’s ALWAYS great to keep a full Strength spray bottle on hand for those times you and you companion are in Dense TICK areas. Our clients use the Full Strength concentrate - at the ball fields, when fishing , Hiking, camping, on or at vacation homes .
10% percent Off your purchase of
Aunt Lyn’s Flea Tick & Bug Be Gone
Aunt Lyn’s Holistic Defense Shampoo and Quick Wipe.
NOTE: Of Caution on Flea and Tick Collars:
We all know the dangers of Oral and Monthly Topicals on dogs, but some caution is needed with Collars as well…
We know many hunters in our area will use our product - Full Strength for their hunting dogs – Others will Use Our Product Diluted and with the Seresto Collar or like collars.
Consider the points below and if you decide to use a collar IN ADDITION, we suggest
- Take it off when not in highly dense area out hunting.
- Watch and journal for the signs and Side effects listed below
Just as all Topicals that contain Pesticide ( ours contain NO chemical Pesticides and are all Natural ) Many dogs have no reaction at first ,but slowly symptoms develop over months and years.
Symptoms of toxicity with common Flea and Tick Collar Active Ingredients of
Imidacloprid--Amitraz – Propoxur:
Watch for……
- Weakness Loss of bodily movement control
- High or low body temperature
- Depression
- Diarrhea
- Urinary incontinence
- Low blood pressure
- Obstruction of the intestines due to paralysis of intestines
- Dilation of pupils Gastric dilatation
- Vomiting
- Difficulty breathing
- Abnormal heart rhythm and rapid heart rate
- Excess salivation
- Loss of appetite
- Seizures Propoxur Muscle twitching
- Loss of bodily movement control
- Weakness Abnormal heart rhythm
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Salivation
- Abdominal cramps
- Seizures
- Rash
We hope You have found this Wellness Update informative and you can always save them in a file or find all our K9 Wellness Updates on our website.
Email us at if you have questions or subjects you would like us to focus on .
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Increasing Flea Tick Mosquito
To Little to Late -EPA statement-
The fact is direct continued ingestion contact with Pesticides is causing Cancers
We know this – Roundup Lawn products was found to cause Leukemia AFTER YEARS OF CONSUMER USE.
NBC NEWS Nerve REACTION oral Flea and Tick pills ( same for topicals / injections )